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All About the Hashtag

all about the hashtagHashtags are like open group discussions around a particular topic. Essentially, they’re a word or group of words after the # sign. For instance, people may use #SocialMedia or #FridayFunday.
While hashtags originally gained their popularity on Twitter, marketers can now use them effectively on Instagram, Pinterest, Google+ and Facebook. Wishpond recommends three core hashtag strategies that can be used strategically for all social sites, not just twitter!

1) Brand and Campaign Specific

Brand and Campaign specific hashtags are ones you make for your own business and can be used to establish your brand or guide promotions. However, to get the most out of brand and campaign hashtags, you will have to monitor them so that you can respond to people using them.
Brand hashtags include your company name or a company tagline. This should define what you do and be unique to your business. You also want to keep your brand hashtag pretty short, and easy to spell. You want your customers to remember your tag, and use it correctly. (Ex: KitKat’s #HaveABreak)
Campaign hashtags are made for your marketing campaigns. For example, if you are having a sale, use a unique hashtag to promote it. We love using these as a requirement to enter a contest. (Ex: Home Depot’s #HDGameDay)

2) Trending

A trending hashtag is a hashtag that has become very popular. These will be changing constantly, so when you see a trend that relates to your business, engage in it by using the tag. This allows your message to be seen by a larger audience for free.
These will be especially useful on Twitter, where trends are posted on the left hand side of your computer Twitter feed. But use haste! A top 10 list comes and goes quickly.

3) Content

Content hashtags are hashtags you use in your posts. These aren’t necessarily trending or brand-specific but can relate to the content you’re posting about. This is simply an SEO boost and will appear to users looking for certain words. (Ex: #SocialMediaMarketing or #SEO)
Read: 4 Types of Content Hashtags
Hashtags can expand your content reach, amplify your brand, target your market, get your content found, improve your SEO, and more. If you need help with your #SocialMediaStrategy, contact us today!

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