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Get Your Online Profiles Connected And On The Right Track

Make the most of your online marketing and link all your online platforms. Your Website, Social Media, ENewsletters and any online ads should all connect, optimizing your market reach and online presence. Consistency is always key to your marketing strategy. At the same time, different marketing avenues may require different techniques, all in all, the message and branding should remain the same. Potential customers are going to do their research before making a decision to use your company. They want to see quality, attention to detail and diligence in the way you market your brand and worth behind it. No matter the preferred avenue for your audience you are missing out if you aren’t sharing the same messages throughout and linking to all our online profiles providing connection opportunities.

Without keeping your marketing efforts in line with one another, your online branding will suffer and you’ll create missed opportunities. So what should you do? At the very least follow the few steps below to get your online profiles connected and on the right track.


  • Make sure you add the social media buttons linking to all of your social profiles.
  • Add social share buttons allowing visitors to share information from your site to their profiles.
  • Integrate an ENewsletter sign up welcoming new subscribers at any chance.
enewsletter signup
social share
social follow

Social Media

  • Include links back to your website or other social profiles wherever possible in the about sections.
  • Integrate an Enewsletter sign up providing an opportunity for visitors to sign up at their convenience without leaving your profile.
  • While you need to balance the content you share to match each social needs, take the opportunity to share from your website to encourage cross-flow traffic.


  • Include your website and social media links on every newsletter.
  • Create content and insightful material they can gain from the newsletter without navigating away while also directing traffic to your website and social platforms with specific opportunities that each can provide.

By combining your online marketing efforts you will build a stronger brand and improve your search engine optimization with cross traffic and a consistent marketing strategy that supports itself.


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