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SEO for Jargon Terms

How You Can Better Implement SEO for Jargon Terms

How You Can Better Implement SEO for Jargon TermsTake a look on the web for two- or three-word jargon terms — like “Search Engine Optimization” or “Content Marketing”.
If you look at the mix of pages ranking on the first page of results, you’ll notice a universal trend. “What is (keyword)?” or some sort of “Beginner’s/Starter Guide” almost always appears either in the actual title of the post, slug or the first H1/H2 (Paragraph Headings, for non-bloggers).
Whether this is a direct ranking factor or an indirect one from engagement metrics, Google knows that people, when searching for these terms, often are simply looking for a definition.

Using It To Improve Your SEO

The best way to help yourself rank for jargon terms is to have a question as your H1 (main heading) and then solve it right after by leading the paragraph with “(Keyword) is…” By doing this, you are telling Google that your blog is solving the user intent, or giving them the definition for which they seek.

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