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The Forgotten Power of Email

For all of your online marketing efforts, one area still remains king in the world of generating sales, and growing your customer base: E-MAIL. A classic pillar of what the internet was created to do, it is often overshadowed by social media, websites, and everything else on the web. According to Pam Dyer’s “Email Still Trumps Social Media for Online Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]” article for, she is able to break down the channels through which businesses acquire their customers, defines CLV (customer lifetime value), and even tells us where most of these most valuable consumers are coming from!

Here’s some highlights:

According to Custora, customers gained through twitter, are 23% less valuable than average; Meanwhile, customers acquired through organic search (this is where your SEO pays off) are 54% more valuable than the average. What this means is that, customers acquired through organic search are viewed as far more profitable, than those acquired through twitter, by almost 3 times. Mindblowing!

The data also shows that on average, the most valuable consumers, (consumers that will purchase more over the course of their relationship with your business) will most likely come from rural areas; This is because, as people out in the boonies can attest, there’s just not a lot of options, so people rely on the internet to do their shopping.

Still, e-mail remains a vital component to online strategies, as it has enjoyed the most growth, as it has quadrupled it’s customer acquisition over the last 4 years, coming in at about 7% percent. If you aren’t utilizing this tool, you need to start. You can start doing some amazing things with online services from : It’s simple, it’s affordable, and it’s efficient. We use it for several clients here at Web Strategies, so if you need a primer for the holidays…You know where to find us.


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