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Why You Should Use Images on Your Web Page (Statistics)

Have you ever wondered why you should use images on your web page? People no longer want to browse a website – they want to experience it. The power of visual content is growing and if you want to keep up and be ahead you better start using it! Here are some great statistics that show how relevant images can affect engagement, sales, and user-experience.


Increased Engagement

Marketing professional Jeff Bullas found that there was 10% higher level of engagement for photos over text on Facebook and 94% more views on articles with relevant images.


Increased Sales

According to Bullas, 60% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business when a relative image shows up in their search results. When your image grabs the readers attention, they give that business more consideration, therefore leading to higher conversion rate.


Increased User-Experience

For increased user-experience, you want to use photos that immediately convey the benefit of your product/service. Additionally, if you have photos of real employees or real situations, the viewer tends to trust your company more than a competitor who uses stock photos. This is because real photos give the user the sense of what it would be like to own that product or do business with your company. Whether you’re trying to tell a story, give instructions or convey value, images can be a huge benefit for the consumer. That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?


With all that in mind, there are still a few cautions when using images on your website. Don’t use them excessively. More pictures can slow down the loading of your page, negatively impacting user experience and SEO. Also, don’t put image quality on the back-burner, especially if you have an eCommerce site. 67% of consumers say the quality of a product image is “very important” in selecting and purchasing a product. According to Bullas, this ranks image quality higher than product-specific information (63%), long descriptions (54%) and ratings and reviews (53%).

Check out this great Infographic by MDG Advertising for more information on using images for marketing.

Read more from the Web Strategies team:

Want custom, relevant images just for the use of you and your company? We now offer photography services so that you can use your own photos with no fear of copyright infringement! Do you have any specific tips on using images that helped you improve your website’s usability or conversion rate? Please share them in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

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