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Which Social Media Platforms Should You Be On

With so many different social media platforms out there these days, it can be hard to know which ones to focus on to stay relevant to your clientele base. It’s important to use social media in combination with your website to get the best results out of your marketing. But which one do you post on? We’re breaking down which social media platforms you should be focusing on to get your message out.


Facebook is almost a “must” in most scenarios. For businesses like a brick and mortar or B2B companies, it is important to share your goods or services on your Facebook page. Of all the platforms, Facebook has the most users with the median age range sitting around 25-34. Facebook had the lowest number of teens using the platform. In regards to events, it’s easiest to share and schedule events on this platform. Facebook really has a little bit of everything and caters to a large audience.


Instagram places a higher emphasis on visuals, so it can be great for businesses who have products or processes to share. This does involve more photography and more content creation. Instagram is also focusing a lot of attention on short form video and saveable content. The median age of Instagram users is 18-24. Highlighting your products or processes can be a great way to share content on Instagram.


If you’re tossing TikTok out the door because it’s the newest platform on the block, don’t knock it just yet. TikTok’s median age is 13-18, but this group is the next generation of household consumers in the market. The content on TikTok tends to be conversational and educational. The atmosphere is casual and provides an off the cuff and entertaining way for users to interact with your content.

You’ll want to make sure that no matter what platform(s) you choose to focus on, staying consistent with your posting schedule while providing value to your audience is key. Remember that it’s better to do one platform well vs multiple platforms poorly. If you need help with your social media, reach out to us and set up a strategy meeting so we can help get you back on track.

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