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Tips for Quarter Four

The end of 2021 is upon us and Quarter 4 is where things hit their peak for many businesses. This is true for especially online retail and eCommerce businesses. Therefore, it’s essential to have a solid strategy for the final three months of the year. You want to stand out when everyone else is ramping up their marketing efforts. That requires a strategic marketing plan that reaches the right people and that your business and marketing are set up to handle the increased traffic.

Here are some tips for Quarter Four to ensure your marketing efforts are as effective as possible.

1. Clean up your email list.

If you provide an e-newsletter, the chances are high that you’ll be sending an increased number during the last quarter of the year. In light of this, you’ll need to make sure your email list is in good shape. One way to do this is by segmenting your list so that you can send better-targeted emails to subsets of your audience. You can segment them into groups based on engagement, location, demographics, or anything that applies to your subscribers.

2. Make sure your website is ready for increased traffic.

This should go without saying, but your website should always be in tip-top shape if your business involves selling a product or service online. However, as we’ve all experienced firsthand, even the best and biggest websites are prone to issues when traffic drastically increases. Regular website maintenance is vital, and your hosting company can advise you on any traffic concerns you may have. Navigating and testing your website as a new user can help locate any issues and provide insight into where processes can potentially be streamlined. Smooth interaction between your website and your customers goes a long way to ensuring they have the best possible experience when visiting your website.

3. Don’t wait to start your holiday marketing.

In a survey of U.S. consumers conducted by online coupon company RetailMeNot, 83% of responders said they would begin their 2021 holiday shopping before Thanksgiving. They also asked shoppers what they were most interested in hearing from brands and retailers. “Deals and discounts” accounted for 71% of responses, which means that not only are the vast majority of consumers starting their shopping earlier in Quarter Four, they also want to hear from you! Attract new customers by offering coupons or special access when signing up for your newsletter. Retain your current customers by appearing regularly in their inboxes and their social media feeds, interacting with them whenever possible, and sending teasers for holiday promotions early. They want to hear from you, so don’t make them wait!

We hope these tips for Quarter Four are helpful and get you excited to close out the year on a high note. If you need some extra help this year, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

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