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Secure Your Website.. Today!

Web security concept. Secure Your Website.. Today!If you have a website, you need to secure it.



In the 90’s, if you were among those first using email in the mainstream, you will remember that it was important to be worried about opening emails with strange attachments.

Fast-forward to the present day, where threats are evolving constantly and websites are hacked daily. Business owners simply lack the security knowledge needed to prepare their websites for when (not if) an attack or disaster happens.

When it comes to hacked websites, the website security company, Sucuri, has found that if the webmaster had been prepared, the entire remediation process would’ve been streamlined. As a wise man once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” We refuse to watch our clients fail, so we offer Sucuri’s incident response services to each and every one of our clients.

According to Sucuri, being prepared can be as simple as having visibility (logging enabled), monitoring the logging activity and having a backup. While it would not stop the attacks, it would provide a solid foundation from which you can work from in the event of a compromise.


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