Y’all, some days I just can’t. Anyone else? Bueller? Well, on the (not so uncommon) days that I need to get out of my own thoughts and feelings surrounding the situation we’re all facing and have a laugh, I have found myself turning more and more to podcasts. Maybe it’s the memory of what it was like 7 weeks ago when I last had a face-to-face interaction with someone other than the people in my house, but listening to people talk and laugh together is pulling me back from the brink on days when I can’t justify having a glass of wine at 11 am.
There are countless podcasts out there and it can be time-consuming and kind of a pain to find something you like. So, because sharing is caring, I’ve rounded up my Top 5 favorite funny podcasts. There’s comedy, trivia, family, advice, current events, introspection – these guys have it all! Pop in your earbuds and have a giggle, friends.
Judge John Hodgman
John Hodgman, a former writer for The Daily Show, hosts this humdinger of a podcast where he presides over the everyday squabbles of listeners. As he enters the courtroom, he begins every trial with an obscure cultural reference, which is worth showing up for in its own right. Recommended episode: “Occam’s Frasier” (Emily files suit against her friend Aaron as they argue over which Cheers characters they are). “Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Only one can decide!”
Armchair Expert 
This podcast hosted by Dax Shepherd and Monica Padman explores “the messiness of being human” through interviews with guests ranging from Dax’s wife Kristen Bell to neurosurgeon and medical reporter Sanjay Gupta. It is introspective and insightful with a healthy dose of hilarious. Recommended episodes: Nick Kroll (July 18, 2018) and the inaugural episode with Kristen Bell (February 14, 2018).
Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me! 
Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me! Is an hour-long weekly news-based radio panel show produced by National Public Radio on Chicago, IL. Although it is all about the news, this quiz show will keep you chuckling and shouting out answers to absolutely no one.
Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend 
Even if you’re not a big Conan O’Brien fan, you should give this podcast a shot. After realizing that the only people at his holiday party were people who worked for him, Conan started this podcast in an effort to form friendships. Episode recommendations: Ricky Gervais and David Sedaris.
My Brother, My Brother and Me 
As a female who grew up with three brothers, this podcast just feels like home. Touting their show as “an advicecast for the modern era”, brothers Justin, Travis, and Griffin McElroy answer listener questions with each brother fielding the questions that fall into their self-proclaimed areas of expertise. Despite a tagline that states, “…the McElroy brothers are not experts and their advice should never be followed,” you may be pleasantly surprised by the good advice that is sometimes offered up. Recommended episode: Episode 472: Public Domain LASIK Emails.