If you can’t believe we’re already at the end of Q4, well, buckle up because we’re flying right into 2023. Here are some end-of-the-year checklists to help you get organized in each area of your online business presence. We’re starting off with social media and what to look for when strategizing for the new year.
- Your first priority should be to look through your analytics from each platform. We’re looking for what type of posts/content did the best, worst, and had the most engagement or shares. Make lists of the type of content from each platform that performed the best and most represented your brand. In addition to post metrics, look at your audience metrics as well. What age, gender, and location are viewing your content the most, and at what times are they most active?
- Getting content out on multiple platforms can be time-consuming, so in some instances, it makes sense to focus on the platforms where you know you can devote time. Our advice is, putting out quality content is better than putting out quantity. If this means your demographic is primarily using Facebook, and you have higher engagement on those posts, maybe drop Twitter or Instagram if they aren’t serving you as well.
- Once you know what platforms and posts are giving you the most return, start making content ideas or focuses for a quarter at a time. We recommend getting a physical or virtual calendar to plot holidays and company-wide events and start filling in posting schedules based on when users are most active. Once we have themes, we can further drill down into what posts will look like weekly.
- Now for a few miscellaneous items. Make sure that your phone numbers and hours are correct on all platforms. Another place to check is on your Google My Business page. This is what users see when they search for your business using Google. If your cover or profile photo is outdated or no longer relevant, swap it out for something more current.
Getting a game plan together before the new year is essential to starting off strong. Don’t let your marketing fall lackluster due to a lack of planning. Need more hands on deck to post social media content? We got you covered. Sign up for a monthly marketing package that fits your needs, and we can post on your behalf. Wishing you the very best this holiday season and well wishes for the new year!