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Video Marketing is a Must!

Last Updated: 3/6/19

We’ve gotten to a point in the marketing world where there are so many platforms and styles of marketing available to us that it seems we’ve hit a wall with new ideas. But, we’re wrong. Everything is always evolving, even things we once used slowly makes a come back in a modernized fashion that falls in line with what society is looking for. Over the last year, it’s becoming more evident that video marketing is a must! “Video content gets considerably more engagement than other forms of content on social media (to be more specific, 1200% more shares than text and image updates!”

Online videos gained popularity when YouTube showed up in 2005. Since then we’ve seen the video demand change with the creation of things like 360 degree videos, Facebook Live, Snapchat and more. Creating a great video that can capture your audience in 1 min or less has become easier with the tools and technology available to us, making it even nicer on our budgets! Video does wonders for your SEO. Google loves videos and you’re 50% more likely to pop up on the first page if you are utilizing video on your website and social media. With this rise, 61% of businesses are implementing video into their marketing routines. Over 50% of daily online activity stems from viewers watching videos.

Did you know you can now have videos in place of your cover and profile photos on Facebook? You can read more about updating those here. You can also increase your ENewsletter clicks by incorporating a video. Creating a YouTube channel allows for easy integration of video through your website without slowing it down. If you are thinking you’d like to get started but you definitely don’t want to be in front of the camera, we get it! Honestly, that’s why we haven’t jumped on the bandwagon just yet BUT, we’ve been developing creative solutions and are excited to start implementing those. Let us guide you in creating a marketing strategy this up to date and creates a focus that will easily capture your target audience.

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