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To Blog or Not to Blog

There was a time when everyone I knew had a blog. Some were for promoting personal businesses and services, but the vast majority were simply because someone had something to say and wanted the world wide web to hear it. Nowadays, most of the blogs out there are run as part of a business’s online marketing strategy and, despite claims to the contrary, blogging is still an effective and viable medium for creating content and keeping your website consistently ranked on search engines. Blogging is also another way for current and potential clients to get to know you more personally and form a connection. And what we connect with, we support. So, the question is: to blog or not to blog?

The concern that has been communicated the most from our clients is that they don’t know what to write about. The truth is, we all have something to say that will resonate with others whether we realize it or not.

“But what am I supposed to say? We’re in the middle of a global crisis, and my small business is in trouble.” Say that.

“I’m a parent trying to run my business from home. I’m overwhelmed by just trying to keep the wheels from falling off the cart.” Write about that.

“My business basically runs itself, and things have never been better! If things are going well, why should I change anything?” Maybe people out there who know your business or brand would love some insight into the person behind the success. Maybe in addition to providing a service to clients, you can provide guidance to other business owners or up-and-coming entrepreneurs who would find value in your experiences. Perhaps doing a deep-dive into the services you offer would enhance your users’ experience when visiting your website.

There is a blog for every topic under the sun and equally as many ways to make a blog beneficial for your business. When considering marketing, search engine rankings and how to further engage your client base, a blog should be one of the things on the top of your list.

If you are looking for more articles on blogging, start with our post on Maintaining a Successful Blog, or by searching our blog categories. 

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