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2019 Boring? Nah.

2019 Boring? Nah.

When Faye and I thought back on 2019, it was kind of an uneventful year. There weren’t any significant milestones. There were no team shake-ups or client eruptions. And while we were busy and our business continued to grow, there wasn’t a lot of drama or change. I worried that it was a boring year, but I quickly realized that 2019 was an example of how it’s supposed to be. Operations run smoothly because the processes work. And guess what? That’s not boring at all. It’s inspiring.

So, as we prepare for a new year, we felt it was important to share some extraordinary additions to our team as well as some administrative news that, while not sexy, is a massive weight off of our shoulders.

New Faces. As we bid farewell to 2019, we knew that we were primed to hit the ground running in 2020. Enter Rachael Schoellen playing the role of our new project manager. Her job? To keep our clients happy and to keep our team on track. With almost two months of Web Strategies under her belt, Rachael has already proven that we know how to pick ’em.

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Who Dat Cat?  There was one thing that our office didn’t have enough of….pet toys and fur. So, we adopted the dapper Jack Torrence from our friends at Dakota’s Dream as our chief morale booster and office cat. Jack spends his days rolling on the floor, sleeping on Emily’s lap, and keeping our staff happy yet laser-focused.

Finished the Deed. In 2016, I purchased the building at 124 Amherst as a new home for Web Strategies. It was time to transition from renters to owners, and this beautiful, historic building was perfect for us. As a result, 2019 lead me down the road of first-time commercial property loan refinancing. There were twists. There were turns. There were narrowly escaped pitfalls. In December, the literal deed was done – refinance complete. Many a lesson was learned, and I’m glad that this adventure is finally over.

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As we say good-bye to another year and look forward to new adventures in 2020, the team at Web Strategies would like to thank our clients, our community and our friends and family. Your support keeps us going, regardless of the events of the day.


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