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Three things every webpage should have (SEO edition)

We’ve said it before, but we’ve built a lot of websites and always have a few suggestions when it comes to SEO. Of course there are more considerations at play but here are three things every web page should have when it comes to search engine optimization. Keep these in mind when it comes to your web pages.

An H1 title

Knowing plainly what the page focuses on not only helps your customers but also helps Google. It’s important to know that this page title is wrapped in tags to ensure your browser knows that this is the most important heading on the page. The other heading levels should be used in order of most important to least important: h2 through h6.

One Keyword or focus

Sometimes we can get carried away with placing everything on one page especially when it seems like there’s not much to begin with. However, Google recognizes pages for one focus much like users search so not muddying the waters with multiple topics on the same page will ultimately help with topic recognition.

Enough Body Copy

It’s important to have enough copy on the page that supports your H1 title and keyword focus. We try to aim for at least three paragraphs but sometimes there’s not that much to say. We encourage our clients to describe their services and business with enough detail for search engines to assign value to it and show it appropriately to searchers.

So there you have it. Three things every web page should have at minimum to help with SEO strategy. Of course if you are looking for additional support, we can explore topics that may be more relevant to your site in particular. Give us a call or fill out the form so we can connect!

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