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The Way To Your Website Users’ Hearts

Too often, business owners get carried away with a fancy new website that they forget the end goal: their users! Ultimately, they will be the ones using your website, possibly more than you will. We’re going to talk about the way to your website users’ hearts. How to make them enjoy using your site instead of getting frustrated. Your users may not notice a good site, but they’ll certainly notice a bad one.

Limit the number of pop ups

We get it, the click through rates for pop ups seem lucrative, but no one wants to have to close 5 boxes just to be able to click on the navigation. If you must keep one, make sure it is tasteful, actually enhances your site, and is easily closable (no hunting for the little X). As a website user myself, I get frustrated before I’m even trying to navigate through, which puts a bad taste in my mouth before continuing.

Make links noticeable

All too often, we notice links that don’t have underlines (actually VERY important for accessibility), or notice links that don’t even look like links. This can be really frustrating when you’re trying to figure out how to advance through a site or get more information.

Put things where you expect them

There’s a certain expectation as to how navigation items are organized, where customer service links are located, and where to look for checkout or getting further info. Putting these items in new or unexpected locations or hiding them completely can be detrimental to your user’s experience as well as the success of your business.

We love our clients, but we also love their clients. Making the experience wonderful all the way around helps everyone involved and enhances the client’s online reputation. If you’re stuck with an unusable website, we can help! We’ve gone through the process of helping clients refine and organize their websites, targeting key areas that are crucial. Reach out via the form and we’ll get the process started!

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