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Optimizing Your Contact Page

The Contact Page is a staple on all sites. The contact page is the #1 go to and often gets the highest click rates. It’s expected to, quickly, provide you with the information you are looking for. For any viewer the expectation is to receive, minimally, the information needed to reach your business. Phone Number, Email or Contact Form, and Address are the standard pieces of information we want to see when we click on “contact us”. Unfortunately, we can’t always get what we “want” and we do find those sites that like to make you fish around for the information you are looking for and it can get extremely frustrating! That’s where we find high “bounce rates” where traffic navigates a site with high hopes and find themselves searching with no results therefore, moving on to the next site that will give them what they want.

Don’t be “that site”. Don’t make your users waste time trying to find a means to get a hold of you. The point of your business is to serve your audience, your website should follow in suit and be just as useful as you are in your daily business values. Don’t ignore your contact page and don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. Make use of this page for search engine optimization while also providing your users with valuable information. There are endless options to design your contact page in the way that fits your needs. What’s important is to consider your audience, their purpose for clicking on the contact page, and how you can make it as simple as possible to provide the information needed.

The easier it is to contact or find your business, the easier it is to welcome sales potential.

  1. Don’t make your users play the guessing game, title your page as is “Contact Us”
  2. Don’t create an unnecessary scavenger hunt and lead them on a “click here” then “click here” trail to find the hidden treasure
  3. Don’t force them to fill out a contact form prior to getting any contact from your business at all
  4. Provide a number. If you have multiple contacts, list them
  5. Provide your address and it doesn’t hurt to add in a map for easy navigation
  6. Create a useful contact form that allows your users to provide as much information as needed to get optimal return upon contact
  7. Let them know the best ways to contact you for different purposes, this makes it easier on you as well

Take a look at What Makes A Great Contact Page for more examples. You can also read through 5 Annoying Contact Page Mistakes to make sure yours isn’t falling in that category.

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