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6 Tips for Marketing on Twitter

6 Tips for Marketing on TwitterMarketing on Twitter is important and critical for any business. While the social media giant was originally created for sharing short-burst thoughts, it has since grown into one of the three core social media platforms, right alongside Instagram and Facebook. So how can you leverage the popular 140-character social media site to drive more traffic to your business or website? In 4 Keys to Marketing on Twitter, Nathan Resnick and Entrepreneur show us exactly why we should be paying more attention to tweets. Below, we’ve listed our favorite points and added a few of our own in our 6 Tips for Marketing on Twitter!


1. Fill Out Your Twitter Bio

“Make sure your company identity and voice are branded well,” says Jon Ferrera, CEO, Nimble, a provider of social CRM. That means having a bio that tells people who you are and includes a link to your company website or a landing page — and having “a consistent tone so that people clearly understand who you are and what you do.” But that doesn’t mean Twitter makes it easy. You don’t get much space to talk about your business – just a small space enough for a tiny bio and one outbound link. Those two things, combined with the photo you select, are key to whether people decide to follow you or not.


2. “Favorite”/ Retweet Interesting Content

To make sure your Twitter presence aligns with your brand, really think about your core competencies and how you can base your tweets on them. Also, finding content based on hashtags can be a key to growing your following. However, in your own posts, use hashtags sparingly, as they can be seen as ‘Twitter spam’ when over used. When you “favorite” someone’s tweet, you will often catch his or her attention. Lastly, don’t be afraid to retweet interesting content, so that you can further align yourself with other industry leaders.


3. Tweet Frequently

To ensure your account stays active, Resnick recommends tweeting at least once a day. If you’re running a Twitter account for your brand, there really isn’t a limit–Just be sure you are tweeting industry relevant or useful information, content your followers will read, click on, retweet and/or favorite.


4. Use Images & Videos

Don’t be afraid to use images & videos in your tweets. Rich media on Twitter stops users from simply ‘scrolling’ and peaks their interest. “Images, videos and other rich media have proven to receive more views, clicks and shares than plain text tweets,” says Marko Muellner, vice president, Marketing, ShopIgniter, a social performance marketing platform.


5. Interact With Your Followers

Tweeting your own tweets is just as important as responding to what people are saying to you on Twitter. If someone tweets @yourtwitter, be sure to respond in a timely manner. Oftentimes, brands actually use Twitter as an extension of their customer service. For example, Delta Airlines uses the handle @DeltaAssist to manage customer questions. By interacting with your followers, you’ll find that they’ll become more loyal to your brand.


6. Voice Your Opinion About Trends

One of the best ways to integrate your brand into the Twitter community is by voicing your opinion on trends. To see what’s trending on Twitter, simply go to the homepage and look in the bottom left. If a trend catches your eye, I suggest tweeting what you think about it. If one of your Tweets goes viral through a hashtag, chances are your Twitter following will increase dramatically.


With over 302 million active users, Twitter is a platform you shouldn’t miss out on. If your company isn’t on Twitter already, it’s time to start. Social media is about being personal and genuine. It’s about creating an interactive space to engage with your audience on an individual level. Customers want to connect with other people – not companies. By establishing a thoughtful, manageable strategic plan, you will be successful not only in attracting new customers but in creating a quality brand.

Your social media tactics may be part of a strategy that we help you create or tactics that we help you put into place as part of an existing plan. We can help you create a strong twitter presence and guide you through the 6 Tips for Marketing on Twitter and much more!

Contact us today to see how we can help you grow your brand.


Photo retrieved from Omicrono.

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