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Ellie’s Irish Pub

Ellie’s Irish Pub

When a new restaurant comes on the scene, the most important thing it can do is offer top-notch eats. The second most important thing is to get the word out. With Ellie’s already having an amazing menu in place, it was up to Web Strategies to ensure that the same quality and attention to detail translated into their online presence.

When people visit a restaurant website, they are interested in one thing: FOOD! We didn’t waste any time showcasing all of the excellent food porn pics the team at Ellie’s sent our way. We kept the navigation simple, allowing visitors to quickly access the menu, location, and business details in a flash. An online ordering system was integrated for folks wanting to pick up and go. There’s also a calendar of events detailing the live music happening in-house at the restaurant’s Pearl Lounge.

I speak for the entire WS team when I say this project was particularly tough. You try staring at food pictures and cocktail descriptions all day long and see how well you do! But thats our problem. Check out the new Ellie’s Irish Pub website and get yourself down there for a meal ASAP. We’ll see you there!

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Ellie's Irish Pub
Web Design
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